1.5 Released August 16, 2010
- Updated global variables $_GET, $_POST, and $_SERVER for PHP5 compatibility.
- Replaced <? with <?php for PHP5 compatibility.
- Increased SQL injection protection through the implementation of mysqli_real_escape_string.
- Improved the instructions on the forgot your password page.
- Replaced eregi_replace with preg_replace for PHP6 compatibility.
- You will now see an error if you try to upload an image that exceeds the server's limits. Before you never knew the image was rejected.
- Login names can now contain apostrophes.
1.4.1 Released October 2, 2005
- Fixed a security issue with the login.php page.
1.4 Released March 13, 2004
- Homework assignments not published will not be shown online.
- The way homework assignments are retrieved from the database is less prone to error.
- Fixed faulty assignment of usernames when 2 or more users had the same last name.
- When browsing archived student work projects you are no longer sent to a list of non-archived projects.
- The "Forgot Your Password" page now sends an e-mail with the Digital Scribe's administrator e-mail in the "From" field of the e-mail address.
- Modified how student work is polled from the database to make the retrieval less prone to error.
- When people request an account an e-mail is sent to the Digital Scribe Administrator reminding them to login and approve or deny the request.
- When you view an image from the teacher's description of student work the link back to the description goes back instead of moving you to the first piece of student work.
- When a teacher edits a homework assignment the due date no longer changes to July.
- All e-mails sent by the Digital Scribe have additional header information to help them pass through spam filters.
- All leftover font tags have been removed. Fonts are now folly controlled through one CSS file.
- Magic Quotes are no longer required to be turned on in order to use the Digital Scribe.
1.3.1 Released February 15, 2004
- The approval and monitoring of users by the administrator has been simplified. Five tables of data have been replaced with three that give the same information.
- Fixed a minor bug with viewhw1.php that prevented some browsers from being able to use some of the links.
- Clarified the registration process.
- Added additional error checking that prevents a student from submitting work to a teacher that doesn't have a project created.
- Fixed the bug where a teacher could not edit a homework project's details more than once a visit to the edit page.
- Removed the homework description field as it was leftover from a feature that was never implemented.
- If a teacher has not put any homework assignments online the site will provide a friendly error message instead of showing a blank page.
- The teacher administration area will tell a teacher if no student work projects or classes for homework have been created instead of displaying a header with no projects listed.
- The creation of homework and student projects in the teacher administration area has been greatly simplified.
- The public list of classes with homework assignments lists what grade each class is in.
- A class that has no homework assigned will display a friendly message noting so, instead of a blank area where the homework should have been.
1.3 Released August 29, 2003
- Added an announcement area for the posting of a daily bulletin or newsletter.
- Created an extensive set of manuals.
- Fixed a small security bug.
- Gave the administrator the ability to get their password via e-mail if they forgot it.
- Teachers can now specify what grade level each project is for. This is useful if the teacher has classes in multiple grade levels.
- Teachers can now place homework assignments online.
1.2 Released May 4, 2003
- Consolidated move2.php into move.php
- Allowed table names to be changed in one file instead of being hard coded.
- Consolidated publish.php into indepthadmin.php
- Consolidated archive.php into indepthadmin.php
- Consolidated approve.php into indepthadmin.php
- Consolidated delete.php into indepthadmin.php
- Consolidated teacheredit.php into indepthadmin.php
- Consolidated deleteproject.php into indepthadmin.php
- Consolidated addstuworkdone.php into add.php
- Consolidated projectedit.php into indepthadmin.php
- Consolidated adminsuspend.php into admin.php
- Consolidated admindelete.php into admin.php
- Consolidated newteachapprove.php into admin.php
- indepthadmin.php checks the value of the variables for approving, publishing, and archiving work before placing the variable into a table. As these are either yes or no and the system depends on the fact that no other answer is put in.
- Consolidated logout.php into login.php
- Moved the teacher admin files into the folder labeled "teacher".
- Moved checkpass.php into the teacher folder.
- Moved checkpass2.php into the admin folder.
- Administrators can ghost a teacher.
- Student images show up foll size when there is no text.
- Table teachers password field changed from 20 to 32 characters and from varchar to char.
- Passwords are now MD5 before going into the database.
- upgrade.php added to assist upgrading from 1.1.1 or 1.1.
- Changed the templates to be more usable without changes.
- Fixed bug in stuworkindiv.php that would always show link for user to enlarge image even when image was not larger than 400 pixels.
- showpic.php links to the student's work instead of the entire project.
1.1.1 Released March 26, 2003
- login.php - Fixed login bug where the administrator could not get to the administration section.
1.1 Released February 6, 2003
- addstuwork2.php - Projects are listed with radio boxes instead of a drop down list to limit students forgetting to select the correct project.
- register.php - Made title field a text field instead of a drop down field.
- listarchive.php - Fixed the display bug for archived projects.
- runfirst.php - Tries to set file permissions during the installation.
- add.php, projectimage.php, newimage.php - Converts %20 in images to underscores.
1.0 Released November 5, 2002
- First Stable Release