{ digital scribe }

The Digital Scribe allows teachers to place student work and homework assignments on their school website without having to bother the IT Personnel. Of course, there is an administrative account that has full control.

Teachers have full control through a web-based interface. Designed for easy installation and even easier use, the Digital Scribe has been used in thousands of schools. No teacher or IT Personnel needs to know any computer languages in order to install and use this intuitive system.

Put Student Work Online
The Digital Scribe can be used to display student work. Teachers register, create a project, and add student work. Students or teachers can submit poems, essays, reports, photographs and drawings. Teachers have full control over what is shown and what isn't. Like every feature, this is completely controlled through a web-based interface and no knowledge of HTML or other programming languages is needed. This is the Digital Scribe's oldest and most advanced feature.

Put Homework Assignments Online
The Digital Scribe can be used to display a class's homework assignments. Teachers register, add their class(es), and add the homework assignments for the class. The assignments are then publicly posted and organized by date due and class. Like every feature, this is completely controlled through a web-based interface and no knowledge of HTML or other programming languages is needed.

Put School News Online
The Digital Scribe can post your school bulletin, newsletter, or other announcements online. The secretary or specified user registers and types in the announcement. Like every feature, this is completely controlled through a web-based interface and no knowledge of HTML or other programming languages is needed.

Easy Installation and Administration
Anyone who has access to a server running PHP and MySQL (both common, free programs) can install the Digital Scribe. One you've entered the server's database name, username, and password, any additional changes can be done through a web-based interface. The Digital Scribe will automatically setup the database and walk you through customizing the program for your school.

All administration tasks are done through a web-based interface. You can manage teacher and announcement user accounts and customize the program without delving into the database. In fact, you should never need to directly modify the database. The look and feel of the web pages can be changed by editing four files, all available through the administrative area.

The Support Page fully covers how to install and use the Digital Scribe. If you desire, I will even install and customize the Digital Scribe for a relatively small fee.